Flowers are blooming everywhere! My loves smelling daffodils, picking up dandelions and admiring cherry blossoms.  With his current interest, I...
Flowers in Spring (Part One)

We’ve been doing this unit for sometime now because this book is one of my son’s favorite  and he loves...
Before FIAR: Goodnight Moon

We’ve had this before, and I decided to revisit it again to go along with our Before FIAR: Goodnight Moon....
The Clock

Sharing with you our activities to go along with Hey Diddle Diddle nursery rhyme.  Actually, this is just part of...
Hey Diddle Diddle Stick Puppets

I’ve been busy these days, my son will be starting Montessori preschool this coming September so I’ve been running around...
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

Since we’re on our way to spring, and it isn’t that cold to play with water anymore, I decided that...
Garlic Press, Sponge and Water

Another activity we did for our Before FIAR unit last week was measuring fruits and vegetables using a ruler and...
Learning how to Measure

Mavi is 41 months old. We’re rowing Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? this week... and I included “the four...
Bear in 4 Seasons