I love Montessori math materials.  They are so engaging and well thought of that  the child can easily absorb concepts...
The Montessori Number Rods

With Vito’s current obsession on letters, I’m focusing on letter recognition, phonics and writing from hereon.  Our activities in March...
Montessori Inspired March Activities for Preschoolers

Vito is 39 months old. Thank goodness January is almost over!  I really don’t like January, it’s that time of...
Montessori Inspired February Work for Preschoolers

Vito is 38 months old. This is a Montessori math activity on teaching the child about quantities from 1 through...
The Montessori Short Bead Stairs

It’s starting to get chilly in our side of the world and though we prefer walking in the fields and...
Montessori Coloured Beads:  How We Use It At Home

I know that Montessori math should be introduced later on (language/reading should come first) but with Vito I just couldn’t...
Introducing Montessori Hundred Board for Preschoolers

IT’s the 12 Month of Montessori Series for October and I would like to share the top 4 Montessori Math...
Basic Montessori Math Materials for Introducing Numbers

Vito is 34 months. “Cards and Counters” is a Montessori math activity that introduces the child to the units of...
What is Montessori “Cards and Counters”?