Vito is 39 months old. There is nothing more precious in this world than seeing your kids work together...
Animals Around the World Activity

Vito is 39 months old. This month, I’m helping Vito explore the Asia continent .  We’ve started continent study last...
Montessori Inspired ASIA Continent for Preschoolers

Vito is 39 months old. Thank goodness January is almost over!  I really don’t like January, it’s that time of...
Montessori Inspired February Work for Preschoolers

My boys love animal covers!  We used this whenever we want to play around with or beautiful animals...
Animals and their Covers

Here’s what a mother can  do to her dinosaur-obsessed kids.  So I’ve been entertaining the boys for...
Dinosaur Small World Tray

No school for Mavi means brainstorming for future activities. He opened up lately that he wanted to study about animals...
The Animal Kingdom Revisited

**Contains affiliate links** “As parents and grandparents, we think that we are showing children we love them by giving...
Our Favourite Toys for 2 to 7 Years Old

We are revisiting our Europe study, this time I’ve decided to take it by regions.  But before we delve into...
Europe Unit Study (Elementary)