Happy Valentines Day everyone!  I hope that your day is as colorful as my post today.  For the month of...
Collection of Color Learning Activities for Preschoolers

I am so happy to share our Animal Continents Activity Sheets.  Mavi helped me assemble this learning material...
Montessori Inspired Animal Continents Activity Sheets

We started off our Insect Unit this week by tweezing insects from the grass.    Its...
Montessori Inspired Tweezing Insects Activity

How cute is this? Vito is currently obsessed with colour sorting and playdoughs so I used these to my advantage.  ...
Fun Dinosaur Colour Sorting with Homemade Playdough

Vito is 29 months old. To start our Shape Unit this week, I want to share with you Vito’s...
Learning about Geometric Shapes

Vito is 28 months old. We were reading the Under the Ground book and chancing upon the page of mining,...
Fun Sifting Activity for Kids

Oh my, Goodnight Moon is one of my kids favourite books and I can’t wait to share with you the...
Goodnight Moon Storytelling Basket

Finally, my Australia in a Nutshell is finally up!  It took me awhile to complete this set because of the...
Australia/Oceania in a Nutshell